Publications in u:cris
Showing entries 161 - 180 out of 281
Cabet, A., Chrusciel, P. T., & Wafo, R. T. (2016). On the characteristic initial value problem for nonlinear symmetric hyperbolic systems, including Einstein equations. Dissertationes mathematicae, 515(515), 1-67.
Aichelburg, P. C. (2015). Die Folgen der gekrümmten Raumzeit. Die Furche: Wochenzeitung für Gesellschaft, Politik, Kultur, Religion und Wirtschaft.
Klinger, P. (2015). A New Class of Asymptotically Non-Chaotic Vacuum Singularities. Annals of Physics, 363, 1-35.
Aichelburg, P. C. (2015). Albert Einstein: "Jedes Jahr widerruft er". Die Presse.
Chrusciel, P. T., Jezierski, J., & Kijowski, J. (2015). Hamiltonian dynamics in the space of asymptotically Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes. Physical Review D, 92(8), Article 084030.
Bizon, P., Pletka, S., & Simon, W. (2015). Initial data for rotating cosmologies. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 32(17), Article 175015.
Chrusciel, P. T., & Paetz, T.-T. (2015). Characteristic initial data and smoothness of Scri. I. Framework and results. Annales Henri Poincare, 16(9), 2131-2162.
Paetz, T.-T. (2015). Conformally covariant systems of wave equations and their equivalence to Einstein's field equations. Annales Henri Poincare, 16(9), 2059-2129.
Aichelburg, P. C. (2015). Eine intellektuelle Öffnung: Wie steht es um das Forum Alpbach in seinem 70. Jahr? Wiener Zeitung.
Chrusciel, P. T., & Klinger, P. (2015). Vacuum spacetimes with controlled singularities and without symmetries. Physical Review D, 92(4), Article 041501.
Gabach Clement, M. E., Reiris, M., & Simon, W. (2015). The area-angular momentum inequality for black holes in cosmological spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 32(14), Article 145006.
Chaverra, E., Morales, M. D., & Sarbach, O. (2015). Quasinormal acoustic oscillations in the Michel flow. Physical Review D, 91(10), Article 104012.
Chrusciel, P. T., & Mazzeo, R. (2015). Initial data sets with ends of cylindrical type: I. The Lichnerowicz equation. Annales Henri Poincare, 16(5), 1231-1266.
Donninger, R. (2015). Erratum to: Asymptotics and analytic modes for the wave equation in similarity coordinates[J. Evol. Equ, (2009), 9, 511-523, DOI 10.1007/s00028-009-0022-x]. Journal of Evolution Equations, 15(1), 251-252.
Andreasson, H., Fajman, D., & Thaller, M. (2015). Static solutions to the Einstein-Vlasov system with a nonvanishing cosmological constant. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 47(4), 2657-2688.
Paetz, T.-T. (2014). Characteristic initial data and smoothness of Scri. II. Asymptotic expansions and construction of conformally smooth data sets. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 55(10), Article 102503.
Andersson, L., Beig, R., & Schmidt, B. G. (2014). Elastic deformations of compact stars. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(18), Article 185006.
Chrusciel, P. T. (2014). The existence theorem for the general relativistic Cauchy problem on the light-cone. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 2, Article e10.
Beig, R., & LeFloch, P. G. (2014). Generalized relativistic hydrodynamics with a convex extension. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(12), Article 125005.
Chrusciel, P. T., & Paetz, T.-T. (2014). The mass of light-cones. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(10), Article 102001.
Showing entries 161 - 180 out of 281