Current seminars

In addition to the Vienna relativity seminars, the calendars above sometimes contain other events of interest to members of the relativity group. The seminars of the Vienna relativity group are listed below.

Currently (unless indicated otherwise) all seminars take place on Wednesday at 14:15 in Seminarraum A, Währinger Strasse 17, 2nd Floor.

The Mathematical Physics Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 13.45.

The Particle Physics Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 16.15.

  • Wednesday, July 3rd, 14:00, Seminarraum A
    Diego Silimbani (SISSA): Massive Cantor families of periodic solutions of resonant Klein-Gordon equation on S3

Abstract: The study of existence and multiplicity of time-periodic solutions for semilinear Klein-Gordon equation has recently been proposed as a toy model to understand stability properties of Anti-de Sitter spacetime under certain perturbation, a question which is of great interest in general relativity. I will present a result on existence and multiplicity of Cantor families of small amplitude, analytic in time and periodic solutions for the completely resonant cubic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation on S3 for an asymptotically full measure set of frequencies. The solutions are constructed by a Lyapunov- Schmidt decomposition and a Nash-Moser iterative scheme. We first find non-degenerate solutions of the resonant system, then, in view of small divisors problem, we solve the Range equation by a Nash-Moser iteration.

  • Tuesday, July 9th, 12:30, Library, Währinger Strasse 17, 2nd Floor
    Mario Hudelist (University of Vienna): Space-time curvature-induced corrections to Rytov's law in optical fibers

Abstract: According to Rytov's law, the polarization vector of light follows a Fermi-Walker transport equation in optical fibers. Recent advancements in theory propose a modification to Rytov's law due to fiber bending. The aim of this talk is to further extend these predictions from flat to curved space-time. This involves perturbatively solving Maxwell's equations under the assumption that the wavelength is significantly shorter than the fiber's radius of curvature, as well as the characteristic length-scales of the ambient space-time. This results in a coupling of the polarization vector to the spatial Riemann curvature tensor and second derivatives of the lapse function.