Current seminars

In addition to the Vienna relativity seminars, the calendars above sometimes contain other events of interest to members of the relativity group. The seminars of the Vienna relativity group are listed below.

Currently (unless indicated otherwise) all seminars take place on Wednesday at 14:15 in Seminarraum A, Währinger Strasse 17, 2nd Floor.

The Mathematical Physics Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 13.45.

The Particle Physics Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 16.15.

  • Wednesday, February 19th, 14:15 @❗ 1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt"❗

    Speaker: Cedric Deffayet (Paris): Ghosts without runaway instabilities

I will discuss simple mechanical models with a ghost (i.e. a mode with a negative kinetic energy) interacting with a positive energy degree of freedom, and yet, the phase-space motion can be shown analytically and numerically to be fully stable thanks to integrability. Extensions to field theories will also be discussed.