Research Program: Geometry and Relativity


Vienna, July 17 - September 8, 2017

The research program “Geometry and Relativity” will be held at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute.

The goal of the program is to bring together doctoral students, young researchers, and established experts who work on the overlap of geometric analysis and mathematical relativity. Above all, the program seeks to support existing collaborations and to inspire new ones.

A conference will take place on July 24–July 28, centered around elliptic aspects of mathematical general relativity. See the conference web page for more information.

A workshop will take place from August 28 to September 1. The lectures during the workshop will review various advances in general relativity.See the workshop web page for more information

A Summer School will be part of the ESI Program and will take place in the week before the conference, July 17–July 21. Its goal is to present the latest developments in the field to younger colleagues and to researchers participating in the program and wishing to expand their research perspective. The school will also serve as a stepping stone for younger colleagues who wish to attend the conference. See the web site of the Summer School for more details.